Clemson Tiger Paw

Clemson Tiger Paw

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Calculus Projects

The Singing Calculus Tree

This past December, our Calculus Class decorated our tree

with purple glittered calculus symbols, ribbon adorned with

calculus symbols, and silver balls inscribed with calculus symbols.

Under the tree, you could find presents in boxes created by

the class some with maximum volume and others with

maximum surface area. In addition to the presents, there

were Singing Christmas cards designed by the Calculus class

with printed lyrics about Calculus sung to our favorite

traditional Christmas Carols. Upon opening the cards

you can hear a small group of students singing the

Calculus Christmas Carol.

Calculus Problem of the Day

Monday, April 12: If x^3 + 3xy + 2y^3 = 17, then in terms of x and y. find dy/dx.

Tuesday, April 13: Find the area of the region enclosed by the curve y = 1/(x - 1), the x axis, and the lines x = 3 and x = 4.

Wednesday, April 14: The acceleration of a particle moving along the x-axis at time t is given by a(t) = 6t - 2. If the velocity is 25 when t = 3 and the position is 10 when t = 1, find the position function x(t).

Thursday, April 15: For what value of x does the function f(x) = (x - 2)(x - 3)^2 have a relative maximum?

Friday, April 16: Find the slope of the line normal to the graph of y = 2ln(sec x) at x = II/4. (Pi divided by 4)

Homework Assignment and Calendar

Monday, April 12: Finish test corrections on Particle Motion Test if not completed in class today.
Be ready to present your four multiple choice problems that you found in your easter eggs to the class tomorrow. Make sure you can explain your choice and answer any questions that other students might have.
Look at the post entitled Problem of the Day and complete the one for Monday , April 12.

Tuesday, April 13: Review notes on Related Rate Problems as we will begin looking at Free Response problems concerning related rate problems on Wednesday, April 14.

Wednesday, April 14: Complete problems on related rate that you did not finish in class so that we can grade them on Thursday and have a test on Related Rates on Friday.

Thursday, April 15: Go over free response problems on related rates for test on Friday.

Friday, April 16: To be announced at a later time.

Welcome to AP Calculus

Welcome to Mrs. Page's AP Calculus class. This class will be a rigid college level math class that will challenge high school students in order to better prepare them for the rigor of college classes next year. In the event that you make a 3 or better on the AP Calculus Exam, you could possibly receive college credit and exempt the first semester of calculus in college.
I look forward to working with you this year and hope you will find this class to be very beneficial in preparing you for post-secondary mathematics.

AP Calculus Exam Results

Each AP Exam grade is a weighted combination of the student's score on the multiple choice section and on the free-response section. The final grade is reported on a 5-point scale:
5 = extremely well qualified
4 = well qualified
3 = qualified
2 = possibly qualified
1 = no recommendation
The results of the AP Examination will be sent to candidates, their secondary schools, and the colleges they select in mid July. Most colleges award college credit for a 3, 4, or 5. However, college and university policies regarding AP credit are not consistent. All students seeking college credit through AP are advised to obtain the college's AP policy in writing. Questions that need to be addressed include: what placement, exemption , and credit are granted for satisfactory performance on an AP Exam? What minimum AP Exam grade qualifies for this treatment? Is there any other requirement to receive credit and/or placement?

AP Calculus Exam

The AP Calculus AB exam will be given on Wednesday, May 5 during the morning session. The time allotted for each AP Calculus Examination is 3 hours and 15 minutes. The multiple choice section consists of two parts: Part A has 28 questions to be done in 55 minutes without the use of a calculator and Part B has 17 question to be done in 50 minutes with the use of a graphing calculator. the free response section of each examination consists of two parts: Part A has 3 questions to be done in 45 minutes with the use of a graphing calculator and Part B has 3 questions to be done in 45 minutes without the use of a calculator.

Purpose of Advanced Placement Classes

The Advanced Placement Program is a cooperative educational endeavor between secondary schools and colleges. For students who are willing and able to apply themselves to college-level studies, the program enriches their secondary and post-secondary school experiences. It also provides the mean to colleges to grant credit, placement, or both to students who have applied themselves successfully.